Sunday, February 3, 2008


Actually you can read this article in hub pages help center. But you must joint hub first. So I make resume and you can know more about hub before you decide to joint.

What is a Hub?

A Hub is a rich web page that you write and design. Each time you want to write another article, you'll create another Hub. It's just like in a website, which has multiple web pages. You have the capability to add text, pictures, videos, and links in your Hub.

What is a Huber?

A Hubber is anyone who creates a Hub

How do I make a Hub?

There are four simple steps.

Create: You’ll need to create an account (It only takes a minute or two.)

  1. Name: Pick a title for your Hub, and add some tags that describe it.
  2. Add: Create the content capsules of your choice (Text, photo, products, comments, etc.) and fill them with whatever you’d like.
  3. Publish.

Do I own a topic?

HubPages does not assign ownership of a specific topic to a Hubber. Anyone is free to write on any topic they like. However, by creating a high number of Hubs filled with original, useful content, you will boost your HubPages status and you may become recognized in the community as an expert.

What should I name a Hub?

Think of your Hub as an individual article. What you name it should be germane to the content of the Hub. We recommend using the main phrase in the title for how a person would search for the information in the Hub

What is a capsule?

Put a Hub into edit mode. On the right hand side of the page, you’ll see a box titled “Add More Stuff.” These are the capsules you can add. Click on a type of capsule. It will automatically be added to the bottom of the page, where you can edit or move it.

How do I make a capsule?

Use the directional arrows on your capsule to move it. If you’d like to change the order of how the capsules appear, simply select the tool on side of the capsule to drag and drop and move the capsule accordingly. When you’re finished, be sure to click on the update button

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